There is no reason, in the nature of the case, why the children of God should not become consecrated from the very moment of conversion. It should be the normal state of Christians. And with many it is so. Redeemed from eternal death, they instantly give themselves to their Deliverer, as those alive from the dead. But with most this is not the case. And so it is necessary, at some future period of their lives, when the claims of Christ suddenly break on them, that they should come to the definite point of self-surrender.
It matters little when, and how, we do it; whether by speech, or in writing; whether alone, or in company. But we must not be content with a vague desire. There should be a definite act, at a given moment of time, when we shall gladly sign, and seal, and confess, that we are His. (Isaiah 44:5).
Sometimes we may feel unable to GIVE all; but we are willing that He should TAKE all. This is equally acceptable to Him. And is it not a better and more scriptural way of putting the truth? For we might be troubled by grievous questionings, as to whether we had really given all, or whether there were not some fatal flaw in our act. But if the question is simply one of His taking — or of our being willing for Him to take — entire possession; so that every imagination is cast down, every thought brought into captivity, and our wills moulded into harmony with His: then rough places are made smooth, and crooked ones straight. This is the charm of Miss Havergal’s Consecration Hymn; its key-word is — take!
The ACT OF CONSECRATION is cancelled by one reserve. To give ninety-nine parts and to withhold the hundredth undoes the whole transaction; because in that one piece of reserve the whole of the self-life entrenches itself, defying Him. It may seem impossible to renounce that one thing; but in clinging to it, you forego for ever all right to His blessed fullness. The electrician cannot charge your body with electricity, while a single thread connects you with the ground, and breaks the completeness of your insulation. The physician cannot undertake your case whilst you conceal one symptom, or yourself seek to effect a cure in one particular. The Lord Jesus cannot fully save you whilst there is one point of controversy between you and Him. Let Him have that one last thing, the last barrier and film to a life of blessedness; and glory will come, filling your soul.
What we give, Christ takes; and at the moment of our giving it. There may, perhaps, be no rush of emotion. We may have no inward evidence of the momentous change in our position. The reckoning may have for many days to be one, not of feeling, but of faith. We can only say, “I am His; because I gave, and He took.” But sooner or later we become aware that the flames of the heavenly fire have fallen on our sacrifice; feeding on it; appropriating it; cleansing it; and preparing it for blessed, holy service.
It is very important to realize this point. In consecration we make the same mistake, as is so prevalent in conversion; of trying to feel in ourselves that Christ has taken us. We must believe He takes that which we commit to Him; though no angel comes to assure us that we are henceforth His own.
– F. B. Meyer, Christian Living