Bishop H. C. G. Moule (1841–1920) is my favorite Bible commentator. Amy Carmichael wrote about a letter she once received from Bishop Moule, in which he describes our Lord’s divine comfort:
A letter, slipped into a book by mistake less than twenty years ago, has lately reappeared as such things kindly do sometimes. It was written from Auckland Castle soon after Mrs. Moule’s death had left the Bishop very lonely, for his daughter Tesie had died a little while before, and his only other child was married. He writes of comfort “dropt like an anodyne from the hand of the Physician into my great wound. (He gives no anaesthetics, but He does give anodynes.) I bless Him who is more near and dear to me than ever, in His mercy. My beloved one is not far from me. And I bless her Lord for calling her to go upstairs, and meet Him there, and our Tesie with Him, and for trusting me to meet the solitude here, and to find Him very near in it.”
– Elizabeth R. Skoglund, Found Faithful: The Timeless Stories of Charles Spurgeon, Amy Carmichael, C.S. Lewis, Ruth Bell Graham, and Others. Click here to purchase on Amazon.